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Your Company is Entitled to Money and We can Get It for You.

About Us

Business Growth Agents, Working For Small Business Owners

We are a team of financial experts who know how to increase your chances of receiving the funding your business urgently needs. And for small business owners who were affected by COVID, this is a fantastic opportunity. Why not allow our financial specialists to help you with this process?

You may benefit financially from the IRS’s Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC). Additionally, you don’t need to worry about completing all the paperwork. We’ll handle everything for you. By taking care of all the paperwork, we simplify the whole process for you. We only get paid if you do.

Who We Are

Small to medium sized firms can get assistance from The Business Growth Agents, a specialized consultancy, data collection, and processing firm, in claiming incentives, credits, and rebates. To determine whether a company is due money by federal and state agencies, we provide a free summary study. Due to the fact that this money was either unnecessarily paid in or was not claimed, it is not a loan or grant and can be used however the company sees fit.

It’s not their fault that over 90% of businesses don’t know how the programs work. Too many people think the benefit only applies to the Fortune 500, but that is false, and we are here to assist businesses in realizing this.

What We Do

Your entitlements are explained to you by Business Growth Agents, who also show you how to use them. In order to fully understand your company, we’ll ask you a series of questions, after which we’ll compile all the necessary paperwork. This will allow us to do a thorough summary analysis so you can get the most money from your claim.

A specialist team of experts is required to manage the more than 7,000 federal, state, and municipal credits and incentives. We are in the business of assisting clients and appreciate the opportunity to help businesses grow.

Incentives and Credits

The purpose of incentives, credits, and rebates is to help reduce effective tax rates. They aid in cash flow generation and reduce your income tax obligation by the same amount.

To get you the money you’re entitled, we can go back three years.

When you file your taxes for the current year, the fourth year disappears forever, so you’ve just wasted the opportunity to put thousands of dollars in your pocket. You can only claim money that is up to three years old. Each business partner has the option to claim their own funds when there are multiple parties involved.

Our Services


We handle all paperwork and filings for business owners. We’ll ask you a few questions, then get the relevant information about your company. It’s easy and stress free.



CNC | Metal and Wood Fabrication
Electronics | Industrial Equipment

construction-workers-fabricating-steel-reinforcement-bar-construction-site-min (1)


Paving | Electrical | Plumbing
Roofing | HVAC | Builders



Dental | Medical | Chiropractic
Ophthalmologist | Dermatologist


Software & Technology

The amount of research and development that software and technology companies endure is heavily rewarded through the programs we specialize in.
Let us help you get this tax credit!


Service, Retail & Hospitality

We are a huge advocate for the service, retail and hospitality industry as they make up 50% of our customers for the ERTC program alone.
We understand your industry and are ready to help.


Non- Profits

We have a special bond with nonprofit organizations because we believe in the mission at hand and importance of the end result. This is why we have taken the time help build a platform in which they can raise money

Why Choose Us

We are experts assisting business owners in obtaining the funding required to survive during these trying times.

The government wants to help small businesses succeed. This funding has a lot of potential to benefit your business. You are free to decide how to use it. Purchase new equipment. Launch a successful marketing campaign. Update and improve your website. You get to make the choice.

Professional Growth Agents

Free Consultations

Saving You Time

Best Quality Service

Our Process

Easy Steps to Get Your Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC)

Answer a few questions. Let us know a little about your business. We’ll do all the rest. The process is easy and stress-free. Plus, you have a 90% chance of being accepted.


Make An Appointment

Call us right now and schedule an appointment. Let’s get the ball rolling so you can get the money you deserve.


Get Consultation

You have questions! We know that. We’ll speak to you on the phone and get all the pertinent information. It’s simple.


Your Problem Solved

The checks are mailed directly to you. Imagine getting a huge check for over $300,000 in the mail. You can get your business working again and profitable.


Information & Qualifications

Included in the CARES Act of 2020, the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) enables businesses to get stimulus payments based on earnings for each employee. The employee retention credit under section 2301 of the CARES Act was revised and extended until June 30, 2021 by the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020, which was passed on December 27, 2020. The Internal Revenue Code was amended and the employee retention credit was extended to December 31, 2021, thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act, which was passed on March 11, 2021, by adding section 3134.

The ERTC allows for up to $26,000 per W2 employee and is calculated on an annual 2020 employee wage, and quarterly basis for 2021 employee wages. 

Example of potential claim:  A company with 12 fully qualified employees 

12 X $26,000 = $312,000 claim back to the company by US Treasury checks sent directly to you!

A Few Basic Qualifiers

  • Employers that pay using W2 forms
  • Those with less than 100 employees for the 2020 credit and fewer than 500 for the 2021 credit (schedule a call to understand the differences and how the 2020 100 employee range can be maximized over that number)
  • Companies/organizations that are both for profit and nonprofit with 2 to 500 employees (we do not currently count ownership or immediate family members as employees because there is some wiggle room in the rules and we don’t want you to be penalized for it)
  • If their gross receipts for the calendar year did not exceed $1,000,000, newly founded enterprises (from February 15, 2020 forward) are eligible to claim the ERTC for the third and fourth quarters of 2021. (Plan a call to get further details.)

Obstacles You Might Encounter

You only have one chance to file your claim to the IRS, which might be worth thousands of dollars to you. Please hire a specialist who has successfully submitted ERTC claims if you decide not to use the Business Growth Agents. Even if you’ve worked with an excellent CPA or accountant for years, if they haven’t been able to get this money for you by now, it’s likely that they don’t completely grasp how this credit works.

We’ve worked with business owners who were informed by their CPA that they would not qualify; yet, because of their willingness to let us review their paperwork, they were able to qualify for thousands of dollars. We are experts at what we do and we are not trying to replace your CPA; rather, we are attempting to work with them to assist you to collect the maximum amount you are entitled to.

How Our process Works

If you have any questions regarding the ERTC or any other incentive, credit, or rebate program, contact us by filling out the form above.

Schedule a Call at (800) 991-0384, or send an email to